Any type of active fitness lifestyle carries different risks and inconveniences in addition to many benefits. The scariest thing is that one common injury can stop even the greatest athletes at the peak of their career. Yet, everyone gets hurt sometimes.
Some athletes are more and some less prone to the injuries and consequences that demanding training and competitions bring. But when it comes to cycling, it is almost impossible to escape the fact that an inconvenient fall or chronic pain will get you off the track for some time.
Cycling Injuries And Obstacles
Cyclists struggle with injuries, constant body aches and discomforts that arise due to the specificity of this sport. Many of these things are treatable; they just need a little more attention and care. However, some injuries can cost a cyclist their career or even their health.
Falling Injuries

Unfortunately, falling from a bike is something every rider wants to avoid, but it’s a regular thing that happens on the trails. Such terrible occasions can lead to minor disturbances but also severe injuries.
A cyclist can experience injuries that require weeks of treatment, like the concussion or bone fractures, especially clavicle bone fracture.
Less often, but possibly, a cyclist can stretch or flex a muscle during a fall; they also can hurt the neck and lose mobility for some time.
The most common injury is skin irritation, so-called road rash, due to contact with asphalt or soil. Usually knees, elbows or hands suffer the most. The skinsuit and equipment are often worn out and cannot protect from the road rash.
Chronic Pain
The aerodynamic structure of the bike does not exactly support our natural body posture. A cyclist spends hours bent over the wheel, where their body balance is disturbed and their extremities are under constant pressure. For this reason, frequent pain occurs in different parts of the body.

Lower back pain is the most common one, but in a modern world, it’s almost epidemic. It is a chronic and hazardous disease that can spread to the hips or higher parts of our back, and cause even greater discomfort. Moreover, hand, arm and neck pain is the result of too much pressure on the upper body while riding.
Knee pain occurs when we force the joints too much. Perhaps you heard of a worn knee joint? It is a sign that it needs to rest, get a massage and rest from pedaling. Another valuable insight — front knee pain means your saddle is too low, and the back knee pain means that it is too high.
Discomforts That Cause Pain and Anxiety
Cycling is a sport that requires special conditions — tight synthetic wardrobe, specific footwear, heavy equipment and hours of sweating in all this.
Hotfoot is a term that describes the pressure on the nerves in the foot and towards the toes as an unpleasant, painful, and burning sensation. It comes from tight socks and shoes. When the foot warms up, it begins to sweat and swell, leading to these side effects. No matter if cycling shoes meet specific standards, they must have proper airflow.
Saddle sores syndrome is every cyclist’s worst nightmare. It is inevitable, only more or less pronounced — the problem manifests as an irritation of the body region around the buttocks, genitals and thighs. The saddle puts pressure on the skin, leading to the formation of wounds, redness or blistering. It is very irritating and requires much care and treatment.